Individual Proud Sponsor- $100 & Up
Businesses or individuals will be listed as Proud Supporter on event web page (With Logo) and on the back of the Race Day t-shirt (With Name)
Bronze Sponsor- $250 & Up
Logo added to all the social media and listed (including logo) as a Bronze Sponsor on our event page and on the back of the Race Day t-shirt (With Name)
Silver Sponsor- $450 & Up
Business name listed as sponsor on back of race day t-shirt
Logo added to all social media and listed (no logo) as Silver Sponsor on event web page
Option to have a vendor table at the events
Gold Sponsor- $750 & Up
Business listed as a Gold Sponsor on event t-shirt (allotted two lines: business name and one additional line of your choice)
Business logo added to FRF5K day of event promotional 5 x 3 vinyl banner(s)
Logo added to all social media and listed (no logo) as Gold Sponsor on event web page
Seven (2) free registrations to give friends and family for FRF5K
Option to have a vendor table at event
Platinum Sponsor- $1,750 & Up
Recognized on event video (when videographer is available) and on event day as Platinum Sponsor of the event
Business logo added to FRF5K day-of-event promotional 5 x 3 vinyl banner(s)
Logo added to all printed marketing materials
Business logo will be on event t-shirt near the top as Platinum Sponsor
Logo added to all social media and shown as Platinum Sponsor on event web page (logo and link to your site)
Eight (4) free registrations to give friends and family for FRF5K
Option to have a vendor table at event
Corporate Sponsor*
Recognized on event video (when videographer is available) and on event day as Corporate Sponsor of the event
Premium advertising: i.e. radio slot as featured sponsor (ex: “The FRF5K - Wichita, Sponsored by Hilton”)- Press releases are sent to television, newspapers, radio, blogs, etc. in Wichita and the nearby surrounding areas
Logo added to all printed marketing materials
Display of your business on a 8 x 4 vinyl banner at start/finish line
Corporate business items (i.e. flyers, discounts, coupons) added to the race day gift bag to further promote your business
Logo added to all social media and shown as Corporate Sponsor on event web page (logo and link to your site)
Twelve (8) free registrations to give friends and family for FRF5K Option to have a vendor table at event
*Please contact FRF5K (info@firstresponders5krunwalkfoundation.org) for pricing, details, or custom Corporate Sponsor option.
We request you send your company logo in high resolution PDF/JPEG and/or vector format (preferably vector format if logo will be on shirt). If you are going to be on the website, please include a website link or landing page link want to direct people to upon clicking your logo in the above form.